


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

04th September 2021 19:48:45 Hours

Troops Take Dry Ration Packs to Doorsteps in Jaffna

Following a generous sponsorship provided by the Chairman of the ‘Thyahie Charitable Trust’ and philanthropist Mr V Thyagendran, troops of 51, 52 and 55 Divisions under the Security Forces Headquarters Jaffna coordinated and distributed 1000 dry ration packs among needy families in Kopay, Vartavilan, Araly, Meenachi, Karainagar, Thelippalei, Palely, Illakkadu, Urikkadu, Vidaththapalai, Kodikamam, Kovilakkanady, Allarai, Ellankulum, Katkovalam and Maradanderni area on Saturday (04) under the guidance of Commander Security Forces Jaffna, Major General Jagath Kodituwakku RWP RSP ndu.

Under this relief programme 1000 dry ration packs worth 1 million rupees were carried to the doorsteps and handed to general public as per directions of Commander Security Forces Jaffna. It was meant to ease low-income families of their undergoing hardships due to prevailing COVID -19 pandemic situations in Jaffna peninsula.

Brigade Commanders and Commanding Officers of respective areas, Officers and Other Ranks and Grama Niladaris joined this programme by adhering to health formalities.