


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

28th July 2023 11:37:27 Hours

Troops of Gamunu Watch Organized a Cleaning Programme

With the objective of raising health standards of civilians in the area, troops of 23rd Gamunu Watch organized a programme to clean the Palei Divisional hospital on 26th July 2023.

As per the guidance of the General Officer Commanding, 52 Infantry Division, Major General YABH Yahampath RWP RSP ndu psc and Commander 522 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier LKT Fernando RSP USP, Major RMMB Sampath RWP RSP GW organized the programme.

Army troops and staff of Palei hospital took part in the programme.