


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

09th September 2023 15:48:22 Hours

Troops Assisted Todouse Fire at Coir Mil – Muhawil, Iyyakachchi

Troops of 52 Infantry Division assisted to mitigate the fire, which broke out in Coir Mill at Muhavil, Iyyakachchion 8 September 2023.

More than 60 troops were engaged to extinguish the fire in numerous ways. With the guidance given by the General Officer Commanding, 52 Infantry Division and Commander 522 InfantryBrigade, Commanding Officer of 1 Mechanized Infantry Regiment and CommandingOfficer 10 (V) Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment were give the fullest cooperation to mitigate the fire.

Further, Fire Brigade also coordinated by the division in order to control the fire. Thereby fire fighting vehicles also given theirassistance to mitigate fire, Sri Lanka Army water bourses and Army troops successfully controlled the fire. No any personal damages were reported.