


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

02nd October 2022 19:19:54 Hours

Troops of 15th Battalion Gajaba Regiment Organized A Programme to Celebrate The World Children’s Day

To maintain goodwill among Army and Tamil Community, with the blessings of General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division Major General Anuradha Fernando RWP RSP ndu and the Commander 522 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier Chandima Kumarasinghe, Officers of 522 Infantry Brigade and 15th Battalion Gajaba Regiment took steps to organise an event for distribution of school accessories to necessitous students in line with World Children’s Day worth of Rs 2500/= among hundred and eight (108) students in J/Karambakurichchi School and Varani Central College on 01 October 2022.

The event was held at 15th Battalion Gajaba Regiment premises, under the patronage of the General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division, Major General Anuradha Fernando RWP RSP ndu. The generous sponsorship for this community project was provided by the Officers/Other Ranks of the 522 Infantry Brigade and the owner of the Samudra Book Shop Kurunegala with the coordination of the Commanding Officer of the 15th Battalion Gajaba Regiment, Major Ranjith Prasanna. The occasion was made elegant with several cultural dance performances by the students of J/Karambakurichchi School and Varani Central College.

The troops of 52 Infantry Division, troops of 522 Infantry Brigade, Chief Inspector Santhaka Edirisingha OIC of the Kodikamam Police Station, school principals, teachers, students and parents were participated for the event.