


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

02nd January 2023 14:11:00 Hours

Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna) Commences Duties for the New Year 2023

The Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna) with the dawn of year 2023, the Commander Security Forces (Jaffna), Major General Swarna Bothota and All Ranks commenced duties for the New Year following military traditions on the 02 January 2023.

On the same day, the main spectacle took place at Headquarters complex as customary when, Commander Security Forces (Jaffna) Major General Swarna Bothota hoisted the National Flag prior to the National Anthem and the Army Song being sung. It was followed by observance of a two-minute silence in memory of all the patriots and War Heroes, who had laid their lives for the noble cause of defending the territorial integrity of the Nation. Subsequently, the oath on the Affirmation of Public Service was read out by the Staff Officer 2 (Admin) and the Security Forces Commander conveyed his New Year greetings to Officers, Other Ranks, members of Civilian Staff and emphasized that we should earnestly determine to execute our assigned tasks more effectively and efficiently than the previous years in the best interest of the Nation and wished courage and strength to continue their work together with new hopes and success in the New Year.

Afterwards, All Ranks tea session was held at the Corporals’ Club and New Year Message of the Commander of the Army was read out by the Staff Officer 2 (Admin) prior to have interaction sessions with Officers and Other Ranks. Further, 30 number of dry ration packs were distributed among Civil Staff of the Headquarters.