


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

24th February 2021 22:52:48 Hours

The Programme Manager Of The Halo Trust Meets Commander Security Force - Jaffna

Ms Eleanor Porritt, Programme Manager of the HALO Trust met Commander Security Force – Jaffna, Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu at Security Force Headquarters Jaffna on Tuesday, 23 February 2021.

During the cordial meeting, progress of demining process and security of demining sites belong to the HALO Trust and other important matters were discussed. Further Commander Security Force – Jaffna requested the Programme Manager to make necessary arrangements to expedite the demining process in order to administrate resettlement as quickly as possible.

Finally Commander Security Force – Jaffna informed the Programme Manager that he would visit the respective sites to see their ongoing progress.