


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

11th April 2023 13:00:42 Hours

New Year Festival at 52 Infantry Division

New Year festival was conducted at 52 Infantry Division on 08th April 2023 with the participation of all troops under command to 52 infantry division. Thereby troops of 521 and 523 Infantry Brigades, 11 Field Engineers, 7 and 11 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiments and 15 (V) Gajaba Regiment participated in the festival as per the invitation of the General Officer Commanding, Major General KPSA Fernando RWP RSP ndu.

This festival became more colourful with the “Gamigedara” event and had more glamour with the traditional sports events, which all troops enthusiastically took part. All participants and winners were awarded with valuable gifts for their achievements.