


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

28th December 2021 16:42:50 Hours

New Jaffna Commander Familiarizes with 55 Division’s Area of Responsibility &Under Command Units

Major General Sujeewa Senarath yapa RWP RSP ndu Commander, Security Forces Jaffna, made his first formal field visit to the 55 Infantry Division Headquarters in Kadeykadu on Monday 27 December 2021.

The Security Forces Commander was warmly welcomed by the General Officer Commanding 55 Division, Brigadier Prasanna Gunaratne RSP ndu psc IG and presented a drive past at the main entrance. The visiting new Security Forces Commander Jaffna addressed the troops of 55 Infantry Division at the gymnasium of Division Headquarters.

The troops address was followed a planting of a Kubuk sapling in the compound of headquarters as a symbol of memory and soon after posed for group photographs. After an all rank tea, commander had an interaction with troops as a formality and underlined the importance of alertness to security, discipline of officers and other ranks, balance between work and personal life.

The visiting Security Forces Commander also received a briefing on the area of responsibilities from the General Officer Commanding of the 55 Infantry Division. Later, the Security Forces Commander visited 551,552 and 553 Infantry Brigades and it’s under command units and the Battalion Training School at Periyapachchapalai.

Brigadier General Staff, Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers and staff officers of the security forces Jaffna and troops of the 55 Division were associated with the chain of events.