


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

23rd June 2022 10:36:26 Hours

Major General KPSA Fernado RWP RSP ndu Assumed Duties as General Officer Commanding at 52 Infantry Division

Major General K P S A Fernado RWP RSP ndu assumed duties as the 29th General Officer Commanding of 52 Infantry Division on 20 June 2022 in a brief ceremony.

In accordance with military traditions, Major General K P S A Fernado RWP RSP ndu reviewed the Guard Turnout and received the salute of the Guard of Honour, presented by the troops of 15th Gajaba Regiment, after his arrival at 52 Infantry Division. He placed his signature in the first document to mark assuming duties, amidst chanting of Seth Pirith in the presence of Brigade Commanders of 521,522 and 523 Bdes and Staff Officers of 52 Infantry Division.

Religious dignitaries of Hindu and Catholic were also present during the taking over formalities and blessed him for his new appointment.

He planted a mango sapling making his appointment as the General Officer Commanding at 52 Infantry Division. Then, the General Officer Commanding of 52 Infantry Division extended his gratitude to all ranks for warm reception at his inaugural troops address. Approximately 300 troops were participated for the event by taking precaution maximum on COVID -19.