


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

08th March 2021 07:27:20 Hours

Jaffna Troops Donate Dry Ration Packets to 1000 Destitute Families

Security Force Headquarters Jaffna organized another welfare programme for 1000 destitute families coinciding with the International Women’s Day that falls on 8th March. On the concept of Commander Security Force Jaffna, Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu, troops serving in Jaffna distributed thousand nutritious dry rations packs on the eve of the International Women’s Day with the intention of ensuring the quality life of underprivileged Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim families, including pregnant and widows in the peninsula.

After multi religious observances the function was held at the Chunnakam South play ground on Saturday, 06 March 2021 with the participation of the Commander Security Force Jaffna as the Chief Guest, at which the selected beneficiaries were given dry ration packs of basic essentials such as rice, dhal, sugar, milk powder, tea, corn flour and other nutritional food items. Especially donated sanitary items packs and baby items packs for pregnant mothers along with dry ration packs, value of approximately 2.5 million. Prior to the event snack packets and water bottles were provided for all participants by the troops and Nestle Lanka (Pvt) Ltd provided 1000 plus cup of Nestomalt to the all participants.

During speech, Commander Security Force Jaffna highlighted that this donation programme was organized on the conceptual guidelines of the Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army General Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc. Further, Commander Security Force Jaffna expressed his gratitudes to all parties involved in making the donation programme a success.

Three ladies representing Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim communities have express their appreciation to the troops for organizing the event. Finally, the vote of thanks was delivered by the President of Jaffna Women’s Front, Mrs. T Thayani. During her speech, President of Jaffna Women’s Front offered gratitude for all CIMIC activities carried out by the Jaffna troops and especially thanked the Commander Security Force Jaffna for organizing the donation programme.

The donations were sponsored by Hemas Consumer (Pvt) Ltd, Nestle Lanka (Pvt) Ltd, Maliban Biscuit Manufactories (Pvt) Ltd, Manusath Derana Community Care Service and Colombo Tarana Foundation at the request of the Commander Security Force Jaffna.

Religious Dignitaries, General Officer Commanding of 51 Infantry Division, Commander Forward Maintenances Area (North), Brigadier General Staff and Brigadier Admin and Quartering of Security Force Headquarters – Jaffna, Brigade Commanders, Senior Officers, Officials of Nestle Lanka (Pvt) Ltd, Maliban Biscuit Manufactories (Pvt) Ltd, Troops and Civilians were present during the donation programme.