


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

10th March 2022 15:41:51 Hours

Jaffna Troops Celebrate the International Women’s Day

Series of events were organized to celebrate the Inter National Women’s day by the troops of Security Forces Jaffna on 08 March 2022.

Women soldiers of Security Forces Headquarters Jaffna 6th Battalion of Sri Lanka Signal Corps, 2nd Battalion of Military Intelligence Corps, 5th Battalion of Sir Lanka Army Service Corps and 4th Battalion Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police Participated for the numbers of events and Commander Security Forces Jaffna, Major General Sujeewa Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu graced the events as dined guests.

Day’s Proceeding was commenced with an interesting and informative lecture on a Maintaining of a good marriage life. After that, an Ayurvedic Treatments awareness Programme was conducted and this was followed a Volleyball tournament.

Finally, day’s proceedings were ended up with a colorful musical show at the 7th Battalion Women’s Corps premises.