


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

05th November 2022 13:46:56 Hours

General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division Made Formal Visit To 11 FD Engineers Regiment

General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division Major General Sanjeewa Fernando RWP RSP ndu made his first formal visit to Headquarters 11 Fd Engineers Regiment at Kovilakandy on 03rd November 2022 after the redeployment from Nochchiyagama to present location in recently.

The General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division was received the honour from a formal Drive Pass by the troops of 11 Fd Engineers and warmly welcomed by the Commanding Officer Lt Col K K P Pussewala RSP and all the Staff of 11 Fd Engineers Regiment. During the visit General Officer Commanding planted a mango sapling to mark his first visit to the 11 Fd Engineers Regiment and addressed troops who belong to the 11 Fd Engineers Regiment and explained his vision for the smooth conduct of affairs at the 52 Division. Afterwards, General Officer Commanding conducted the field visit to an 11 Fd Engineers detachment and the Shanmuga Pre School at the Pumpugar area. The Commander 521 Infantry Brigade Colonel H A I Perera RWP RSP USP, staff of 52 Infantry Division, also participated in the visit.