


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

03rd September 2023 21:04:15 Hours

Distribution of School Bags for School Children

50 students in Valvettithurai Chithambaram College were provided with school bags by 11 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment of the 521 Infantry Brigade under command to the 52 Infantry Division and Security Forces - Jaffna on 25 August 2023 through the sposponsorship given by England-based ‘Chesnut Foundation’. Dr Nadeeth Kaushalya, Chief Executive Officer of the Charity Organization provided the financial contribution for the success of the event. Lieutenant PATC Thilakarathne (11 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment ) coordinated the sponsorship of the philanthropist. The event got underway at the school compound in the presence of parents, teachers and the principal. The project was launched as per directions of the 521 Infantry Brigade Commander with the blessings of the General Officer Commanding of the 52 Infantry Division. Civil Affairs Officers of the 521 Infantry Brigade, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the event.