


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

02nd June 2024 15:45:25 Hours

Director Management & Maintenance of Army Hospital Visited Army Base Hospital – Palaly

Brigadier RMJB Ratnayake RSP,the Director Management & Maintenanceof the Army Hospital made an officialvisit to the Army Base Hospital -Palalyon 30 May 2024.

The visiting director was warmly welcomed by Commanding Officer of the Army Base Hospital- Palaly, Major WANC Wijesinghe. Afterwards he conducted a briefing on the routing activities of the Hospital.

The Director also conducted an inspection of the Hospital and had a fruitful discussion concerningmanagement & maintenance of the Hospital.

At the end, the Directorplanted a sapling in the Hospital premises and Commanding Officer awarded a special memento as a token of appreciation. Finally, Brigadier RMJB Ratnayake RSP, made complimentary notes in the Visitors’ Book symbolizing firth official visit to the Army Base Hospital – Palaly.

Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks staff participated for the day’s activity.