


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

26th January 2023 21:16:03 Hours

Director General General Staff Paid a Visit to Security Forces (Jaffna)

The Director General General Staff (DGGS), Major General SUMN Manage WWV RWP RSP psc, visited the Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna) on 24th January 2023 and was received by Major General Swarna Bothota RWP RSP USP psc, the Security Forces Commander Jaffna on arrival at the Headquarters premises.

In accordance with military formalities, the Director General General Staff received a colour-rich Drive Pass at the entrance to the Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna) and the day’s itinerary began.

Afterwards, the visiting Director General General Staff had a discussion at the conference hall of Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna) with the participation of Major General Swarna Bothota RWP RSP USP psc, the Commander Security Forces (Jaffna), General Officer Commanding 51 Infantry Division, Major General Vajira Welagedara, General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division, Major General Sanjeewa Fernando, Commander Forward Maintenance Area (North), Brigadier Clifford De Soyza, Brigadier General Staff, Brigadier Dhammika Karunapala, Brigadier Admin and Qurtering, Brigadier Anura Bandara, Brigade Commanders, Brigadier Coord (Volunteer), Brigadier Janith Bandara, Commanding Officers of affiliated Battalions and Senior Officers of Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna).

The intelligence briefing was conducted by the Commanding Officer of 2 MIC, Lieutenant Colonel Chaminda Udawatha during the discussion and respective Senior Officers of each military establishments presented the matters related to operations and training which required prompt actions. Upon concluding the discussion, Major General SUMN Manage WWV RWP RSP psc delivered the closing remarks.

Later, the Director General General Staff paid a visit to Ammo Dump – Kankasanthurai, Battalion Training School – Vidaththalpalai and 12 (V) Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment – Iyakachchi.

Subsequently, towards the end of the lunch at the Officers’ Mess Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna), Major General Swarna Bothota RWP RSP USP psc on behalf of Security Forces (Jaffna) presented a symbolic memento to the day's Chief Guest and appreciated his presence in Jaffna in order to meet the troops. Moreover, Major General SUMN Manage WWV RWP RSP psc signed the Visitor’s Book marking the visit to the Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna).

The day’s itinerary was successfully culminated with the participation of all General Officers Commanding, Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers, Senior Officers and Officers.