


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

30th December 2021 09:22:35 Hours

Commander of the Army Addressed the Troops of Tri Services in Jaffna

The Chief of Defence Staff and the Commander of the Army, and Head of the Green Agriculture Operation Center (GAOC) General Shavendra Silva, visited the Security Forces Headquarters - Jaffna to address the troops of tri services in Jaffna peninsula on the eve of the dawn of the New Year. CDS and Army Commander arrived in Palaly in the morning on 29 December and were received by Commander Security Forces Headquarters - Jaffna (SFHQ - J) Major General Sujeewa Senarathyapa RWP RSP together with senior officers of the Navy and Air Force personnel.

The Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army made his troops address at the Sri Lanka Air Force Base Palaly, and 750 number of troops were present representing all under command formations of Security Forces (Jaffna) and Sister Services. Addressing a representative group of peninsula-based All Ranks, General Shavendra Silva paid tribute to the memory of all fallen Tri Service War Heroes during the humanitarian operations and wished differently able and wounded War Heroes, still under recuperation, be well and a speedy recovery.

Moreover, he highlighted the national significance of the troops, committed for national security and commended the selfless commitment, extended for prevention of COVID -19 pandemic and their dedicated services to safeguard lives of citizens in the Jaffna peninsula. He also reminded the troops of their nation-building roles and civil-military welfare projects, being carried out in the peninsula.

Further, CDS and the Commander of the Army urged from the troops of tri services to extend their contribution to expedite the government new policy on “Green Agriculture Projects” in the Jaffna peninsula as they contributed during the COVID -19 pandemic situations in the Jaffna peninsula.

Finally, CDS and the Commander of the Army extended his best wishes to all ranks and their loved ones for the New Year-2022 and requested tri services troops to further commit and work hardly to achieve the nation’s desires and to overcome new challenges of motherland.

At the end of the troop address, the Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army exchanged the mementoes with Commander Security Forces Headquarters - Jaffna, Commanding Officer of Sri Lanka Air Force Station Palaly, Group Captain Ruwan Chandima RWP RSP USP Msc and Commander Northern Naval Area, Rear Admiral TSK Perera RSP USP ndu psc.

General Officer Commanding of 51, 52 and 55 Divisions, Commander FMA (North), Brigade Commanders, Senior Officers, Commanding Officers of respective battalions and troops of tri services in the Jaffna Peninsula were present during the events.