


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

22nd December 2022 15:20:16 Hours

Christmas Carols/ Donation of Dry Ration Packs/ Christmas Gifts for Low Income Families in the Area Conducted by 552 Infantry Brigade

In continuation of its series of community assistance programmes, 552 Infantry Brigade of 55 Infantry Division conducted a Christmas Carols Programme intertwined with a donation programme (worth about 1.6 mil rupees) under the supervision of Brigadier Wijayanath Jayaweera the Commander 552 Infantry Brigade under the guidance of Major General Prasanna Gunaratne the General Officer Commanding 55 Infantry Division on 20 December 2022, at Arogyamatha Church premises Muhamalei. The ceremony held in the presence of Most Reverend Dr Justin Bernard Gnanapragasam, the Bishop of Jaffna Diocese, in conjunction with Reverend Father S Anton Gorge of Arogyamatha Church.

The donation program included 100 dry ration packs for expectant mothers and low-income families, as well as 125 school bags including stationary for school children. The aim was providing economic assistance to low - income families in order for them to manage their lives during the country's economic crisis while also assisting school students in reaching their educational challenges.

This event was organized by the Commanding Officers 1st Battalion Mechanized Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel ACR Thilakarathne,Commanding Officer 23rd Battalion Gemunu Watch Major RMRB Rathnayake and coordinated by Civil Affairs Officer 552 Infantry Brigade Major RRS Dehigala on the sponsorship provided by the past pupils of Good Shepherd Convent Kotahena and their friends, led by Mrs Minoli Malwana and Mrs Shermika Kuweju. The school stationaries/dry ration packs were distributed by Most Reverend Dr Justin Bernard Gnanapragasam the Bishop of Jaffna Diocese, Reverend Father S Anton Gorge of Arogyamatha Church, Major General Prasanna Gunaratna General Officer Commanding 55 Infantry Division, Brigadier Wijayanath Jayaweera, Commander 552 Infantry Brigade, Col Jude Kariyakarawana, Commander 551 Infantry Brigade, Col Janak Prematilaka, Commander 553 Infantry Brigade, Mr. S Subramuniyam Suren, Chairman Palei Pradeshiya Sabha and the donors.

The entire event had been colourful which encompassed a mix of all cultural identities denoting the ethnic/religious harmony in the area. A number of Christmas carol songs and dances were performed by the devotees and the events played by the school children in the area added enormous glamour to the event.