


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

09th May 2022 07:22:49 Hours

Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army Visited the Jaffna Troops

The Chief of Defence Staff and the Commander of the Army, General Shavendra Silva, visited the Security Forces Headquarters - Jaffna to analyse the prevailing security situation in the peninsula and provide necessary instructions to beef up the security in the AOR. CDS and Army Commander arrived in Palaly in the evening on 07 May and were received by Commander Security Forces Headquarters - Jaffna (SFHQ - J) Major General Sujeewa Senarath Yapa together with Senior Officers.

The Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army made his gracious presence for religious activities organized at Thissa Raja Maha Viharaya - Kankesanthurei under the supervision Major General Sujeewa Senarath Yapa, Commander Security Forces (Jaffna), placing the Sacred Relics and laying foundation stone to build a new "Budu Madura" amid auspicious timing and religious blessing in the morning hours on 08 May 2022. Senior Officers from Tri-services, STF, Police, Officials from local governments, troop representing all under command formations of Security Forces (Jaffna) were present. Further, presence of Tamil civilians living around the Thissa Rajamaha Viharaya for religious activities and offering their religious blessings was significant.

Thereafter, He visited the 51 Infantry Division and ceremonially opened the "Sport, Recreation and Education Support Park" for public in promoting reconciliation which constructed under the guidance of Major General Chandana Wickramasinghe, the General Officer Commanding of 51 Infantry Division. Further, CDS and Commander of the Army attended the house warming ceremony which organised in virtual flat form and symbolically handed over the key of newly constructed house to a deserving family. Then, CDS and Commander of the Army together with Security forces commander and few senior officers had a cordial discussion with few Ex-LTTE members whom they received houses earlier. Also, he distributed shoe pairs for school children during the ceremony. Mr. K Maheshan, District Secretary (Jaffna), Mr. M Pradeepan, the Assistant District Secretary (Jaffna), Professor. S Srisathkunaraja, the Vice Chancellor - university of Jaffna, Mr. Priyatna Liyanage, DIG (Jaffna), Mr. N Nishadan, the Director - Department of Agriculture in Jaffna, few senior government officials and civilians were made their participation during the event.

Thereafter, CDS and Commander of the Army visited Security Forces Headquarter (Jaffna) and had a very cordial and fruitful interaction discussion with senior officers representing from tri-services. During the discussion, CDS and Commander of the Army briefed the prevailing situation in the country and the role of military. Moreover, he highlighted the national significance of the troops, committed for national security and especially, commended the selfless commitment and dedication extended to maintain the security and safeguard lives of citizens in the Jaffna peninsula. He also reminded the troops of their nation-building roles and civil-military welfare projects, being carried out in the peninsula.

At the end of the interaction session, the CDS and Commander of the Army exchanged the mementoes with Commander Security Forces Headquarters - Jaffna. Finally, he made a special note on the visitor's book and appreciated troops of Jaffna for their sheer commitments, dedications and untiring effort taken to maintain the normalcy in the peninsula and improve the well-being of the people. Commander Forward Maintenance Area (North), Commander Northern Naval Area, General Officer Commanding of 51, 52 and 55 Divisions, Brigadier General Staff and Brigadier Admin and Quartering of SFHQ (J), Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officer of Air Force Station Palaly, Senior officers of SFHQ (J), All Commanding Officers of respective battalions and Senior officer from STF were present during the event.