


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

12th January 2022 20:35:21 Hours

Awareness Programme on Green Agriculture and Home Gardening in Jaffna

On the invitation extended by Major General Sujeewa Senarath Yapa, the Jaffna district main coordinator of promoting green agriculture, Dr. Sinnadurai Jameson Arasakesary, the Additional Director of Agriculture - Research in Regional Agriculture Research and Development Centre - Kilinochchi conducted a fruitful awareness programme on green agriculture for the troops in Jaffna which included 50 Officers and 100 Other Ranks at SF (J) on 12 January 2022. Dr. Arsakesari has mastered on the field of agriculture for 27 years and awarded the ASDA award for “Best Scientist of the year 2020” and “Best Contributor in the Agriculture Sector - 2018” and promote green agriculture since 2017.

During the programme, the guest lecturer educated the audience on various crops which can be ideally promoted in the Jaffna peninsula, Organic agriculture and organic fertilizer production analysis, green manure production and also simply explained on easiest ways of producing organic fertilizer with available raw materials in area. Also he urged to develop home gardening through collective efforts as a finest solution to overcome challenges and issues faced when promoting green agriculture as a matter of priority. Audience also raised many question and cleared doubts at the end of the session.

Then, Dr. Arsakesari along the with same audience visited the Palay army fertilizer project and witnessed the production process. Thereafter, he shared his experiences and imparted knowledge on few technical aspects to increase quality of the production. Also he highly appreciated the army effort of a mega fertilizer project of this nature to promote agriculture in Jaffna peninsula.

Finally, based on his directions and guidlines, Security Forces headquarters (Jaffna) is scheduled to conduct few awareness programmes and collective training for the soldiers on green agriculture in near future.

General Officer Commanding 51 Infantry Division, Brigadier General Staff SF(J) and few other senior officers also participated for the programme.