


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

21st November 2022 22:30:00 Hours

Another Community Assistance Project Conducted by 55 Infantry Division

On the conceptual guidance of General Officer Commanding 55 Infantry Division Major General Prasanna Gunaratna RSP ndu psc IG and the supervision of Brigadier WijayanathJayaweera USP psc the Commander 552 Infantry Brigade; the troops of 552 Infantry Brigade of the 55 Infantry Division under Security Forces (Jaffna), in continuation of its series of community assistance programmes, conducted a donation programme (worth about 1.8 million rupees) on 20 November 2022 at Iyakkachchi Government Mix Tamil School (GMTS).

The donation progarmme contained 100 number of dry ration packs for pregnant mothers and low income families, 100 English - Tamil Dictionaries to School Students, 90 Agri Equipment each to 90 low income land owners, 20 School Bags with all related stationaries to School Students with the view to provide economic assistance to low income families to manage their lives within the economic crisis situation prevailing in the country whilst assisting the School Students to reach their educational goals.

This event was organized by the Commanding Officers of 1st Mechanized Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel ACR Thilakarathne MIR and the Commanding Officer 23 GW Major RMRB Rathnayake RSP GW and was coordinated by Civil Affairs Officer 552 Infantry Brigade Major RRS Dehigala SLSR on the sponsorship provided by a charity organisation headed by Mr Prasad Lokubalasuriya under their ‘Arunalu’ Progarmme Stage 3 with the assistance of Mrs Samanthi Wijewardane, Mr Thilina Mendis, Mr Chathu Kahawala, Mr Niyomal Janapriya, Miss Dilanthi Gunarathna, Mr Dinesh Gayan and Mr Kumudu Gunawardana.

The event also paved the opportunity for Iyakkachchi Government Mix Tamil School (GMTS) band and the dancing teams to perform on stage to show their talents in front of a houseful audience; a rare opportunity for School Student.