


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

26th June 2022 17:30:14 Hours

521 Infantry Brigade Took Steps to Distribute Essentials and Infant Needs Among Space Fifty Pregnant Women

To maintain goodwill among Army and Tamil Community, with the blessings of General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division Major General K P S A Fernando RWP RSP ndu the Commander 521 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier M M Salwathura RWP RSP USP, Staff of 521 Infantry Brigade took steps to organize an event to distribute essentials and infant needs worth of Rs 5000/= among fifty pregnant women in 521 Bde AOR with the assistance of Commanding Officer and troops of 11th Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment on 25 June 2022.

The event was held at the Sri Shakthi Reception hall, under the patronage of Major General K P S A Fernando RWP RSP ndu, General Officer Commanding of 52 Division. The generous sponsorship for this charity service was provided by Mr. Rajikaran Sanmugarathnam who lives in Canada. Further, Divisional Secretary Vadamarachchi North Point Pedro space Mr. Alva Pillei Sri and Assistant Superintend of Police Point Pedro Mr. Sujeew Iddamalgoda were also participated to the event.