


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

10th October 2021 16:54:01 Hours

521 Brigade Marks 72nd Army Anniversary by Offering Lunch to Elders

In line with the 72nd Anniversary of Army, troops of 11th Battalion Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment and 521 Brigade of 52 Infantry Division serving under the Security Forces Headquarters – Jaffna cleaned up the St. Lucas Elders Home premises and presented lunch for inmates of Elderly Home in Puttur on 08th October 2021 as anther community project.

Soldiers of the 521 Brigade cooked meals for senior citizens of St. Lucas Elders Home and offered meals with their own hands to all residing and working at the place.

Before the meals, troops of 11th Battalion Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment at Urikkadu cleaned the entire compound and its surroundings.

On the invitation of Brigadier Mahen Salwatura, Brigade Commander 521 Infantry Brigade, General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division Brigadier MGWWWMCB Wickramasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc graced the event as the chief guest.

Rev. Ganarooban, Chief Incumbent for Methodist Churches in Jaffna, Rev. Robert Shashikaran Chief Incumbent of St. Lucas Church and several Catholic priests in the area were also present as guests of honour.