Officers and Other Ranks serving in the “Ranaviru Apparal (RVAPL) Alawwa” joined together in their annual trip to Kataragama, a two day pilgrimage plus a holiday trip held from 29 to 30 May with the blessings of Brigadier Namal Bandara Mahathuwakkara Commandant – RVAPL.

However, this year’s annual trip was organized with objectives of developing inter - personal relationships, cohesiveness, team building, organizing skills, motivation and to reduce working stress.
On the first day (29), the troops reached to the holy city of god Kataragama. The religious ceremony, flag blessing ceremony including a colorful procession and an interesting Dhamma sermon delivered by Ven. Paliyagoda Dewananda thero of Kirivehera temple got underway, under the supervision of Commandant of RVAPL, at the Temple premises in Kataragama.

The Religious formalities was conducted in order to transfer merits to fallen war heroes including those died while serving in the RVAPL, invoke blessings on RVAPL flag, BOM members and civil employees of the RVAPL as well as to inspire the troops in the Ranaviru Apparels for religious activities.
Afterwards, troop’s procession comprised of traditional dancers (Kawadee) walked together up to the entrance of Kataragama Devala and organized themselves at the front of devala with offerings to god Katharagama for blessings on the same day evening.

On the following day (30) morning, on their way back to camp from Kataragama, troops stopped for a short while to have lunch at the bunt at Tank of Chandrika in Embilipitiya and enjoyed with their colleagues, supervisors and managers at all levels backed by the DJ music.

Several key appointment holders including Factory Manager, Project Manager, Assistant Human Resource Manager, OC admin and all the officers and Other Ranks serving the RVAPL joined in this annual trip.