Hon. Premitha Bandara Tennakoon (MP), State Minister of Defence paid a visit to the Army Ranaviru Apparel (RVAPL) factory at Yakkala on Friday (8 Sept).

The Guard Turnout presented a drive-pass at the entrance to the factory premises greeted the day’s Chief Guest. Afterwards, RVAPL Board of Management (BoM) Chairman Major General C D Ranasinghe RWP RSP, Deputy Chief of Staff, together with other senior officers including Major General G R R P Jayawardena RWP RSP ndu, Quarter Master General, Major General W.M.RW.WH.J.B Wanigasekara VSV USP, Master General Ordnance, Brigadier G.A Munasinghe RSP ato, Director Ordnance Services, Brigadier S.C Ekanayake RSP, Director, Directorate of Rehabilitation and Brigadier M.G.A.N.B Mahathuwakkara RWP RSP ndc, Commandant RVAPL warmly welcomed the distinguished visitors and ushered them to the factory premises.

The RVAPL Commandant after a while conducted a comprehensive briefing on the history, outline functions, production and management system of the RVAPL Yakkala to the visiting Hon. Minister.

Afterwards, all Senior Officers, including Deputy Chief of Staff together with the visiting State Minister of Defence sat for a group photograph adding memories to their visit to the RVAPL.

Later, the State Minister of Defence inspected the factory premises where he interacted with troops who are working at the RVAPL.

The visiting State Minister of Defence addressed the troops and thanked all Army personnel for their dedicated services, irrespective of day or night, and spoke high of their discipline standards. He also assured them of all welfare facilities and explained future prospects and measures being adopted in relation to their future career progression. In the meantime, the RVAPL Commandant in addition presented an appreciative memento to the Minister.

Before the departure, the State Minister of Defense made complimentary notes in the Visitors' Book towards the end of the day’s agenda.