Troops of Alawwa Factory serving under the Ranaviru Apparel (RVAPL) Headquarters at Yakkala celebrated its 13th anniversary with series of events at the camp premises in Alawwa on instructions of Brigadier MGANB Mahathuwakkara RWP RSP ndc , Commandant – RVAPL under the supervision of Lieutenant Colonel KSPN Perera RSP, Factory Manager of January 13-18.
On 13 January, an all- night Pririth Chanting was organized at the factory premises to bless all members including differently able troops serving the RVAPL and the Army as well as transfer merits to fallen War Heroes, followed by a Heel Dhana to the MahaSanga on the next day morning followed by an all rank lunch culminated the day's programme.
Meanwhile, during the inauguration of second day programme, Brigadier MGANB Mahathuwakkara RWP RSP ndc , Commandant of RVAPL was warmly welcomed by its Factory Manager, on arrival at the camp premises. On the same occasion, a drive pass Guard Turnout was presented in accordance with military formalities.
Afterward, Commandant of RVAPL addressed all ranks of RVAPL and extended his sincere gratitude to the Factory Manager and all ranks including differently able war heroes for paving way for the success of RVAPL- Alawwa.