The new accommodation building at Ranaviru Apparel (RVAPL) camp premises in Yakkala was declared open by Major General Wasantha Madola, Deputy Chief of Staff (DCOS) and Chairman, Board of Management (BoM) for RVAPL on Wednesday (01). He inaugurated it as the Chief Guest at the invitation of Brigadier Azad Izadeen, Commandant-RVAPL during a simple ceremony.

Amidst religious rituals, the Chief Guest unveiled a plaque and cut a ribbon together with the Commandant and the Deputy Commandant after the visiting DCOS was warmly received by Brigadier Azad Izadeen, the Commandant, RVAPL together with Brigadier Amila Wasage, Deputy Commandant in the company of several other senior Officers.

The long-felt accommodation project was initiated on 08 July 2021 with the blessing of Major General Wasantha Madola after laying the foundation cornerstone by himself on the invitation of Brigadier Azad Izadeen, Commandant- RVAPL.

The project was completed within 42 days in an impressive manner on the instructions of the Commandant and the Deputy Commandant, supervised by Major Thilak Jayakody, Project Officer - RVAPL.

The accommodation building project which was to be completed after 4 months was constructed by 4 Corps of Engineer Services troops. A drive-past Guard Turnout presented on arrival saluted the visiting DCOS in accordance with military traditions.

The DCOS during his stay, shared a few thoughts with troops of the Corps of Engineer Services and Ranaviru Apparel and thanked all involved in the project.
Ending the day’s itinerary at Yakkala, the DCOS also extended his sincere gratitude to the Commandant and All Ranks, including differently able War Heroes at the RVAPL and praised them for the success of the factory. The Chief Guest afterwards signed the RVAPL visitors’ book before he was awarded a special memento.

Courtesy : SL Army.lk