28th May 2018 15:30:32 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:05:49 Hours
23rd January 2018 15:05:49 Hours
Rana Wickrama Padakkama ( RWP ) and Rana Sura Padakkama (RSP), gallantry medal awarding ceremony for the remainder of Commando War Heroes was taken place on 22 November during a dignified ceremony at Canelra Banquet Hall, Suriyagama, Kadawatha.
23rd January 2018 15:05:49 Hours
The Commander of the Army Lt Gen A W J C De SILVA RWP VSV USP ndu psc declared open three storied NCO Accommodation Building of Regimental Headquarters of Commando Regiment at Ganemulla, on the invitation of the Colonel of the Regiment Commando Regiment Brig R A Nugera WWV RWP RSP ndu on 18th February 2016.
23rd January 2018 15:05:49 Hours