
Sri Lanka Signal Corps

Swift & Sure

12th July 2024 18:31:00 Hours


On 12 July 2024, Sri Lanka Signal Corps (SLSC) extended its felicitations to Major General GLSW Liyanage USP psc, celebrating his well-deserved promotion. The Regimental Headquarters witnessed a symphony of honour and camaraderie as the Corps came together to honour one of its own.

Colonel PHN Chandrasekara, Deputy Center Commandant of SLSC, orchestrated a grand welcome for the Chief Guest, setting the tone for an eventful day. Then, Major General Sajith Liyanage paid homage to SLSC War Heroes, underscoring the Corps' ethos of remembrance and reverence.

The event culminated in a majestic Guard of Honour, paying tribute to Major General Sajith Liyanage, followed by a ceremonial salute. A courtesy call with Major General IHMRK Herath USP ndc psc, the Chief Signal Officer of the Sri Lanka Army, and the Colonel Commandant of SLSC added a touch of camaraderie to the proceedings.

In a poignant gesture, Major General Sajith Liyanage planted a sapling, symbolising growth, renewal, and the Corps' commitment to environmental sustainability, adding another layer of significance to the day's celebrations.

The day's festivities concluded with a convivial lunch at the officers' mess, fostering bonds among esteemed comrades alike.