


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

26th February 2025 11:29:19 Hours

23 Gemunu Watch Troops Conduct Blood Donation Program at Pallai Hospital

In a commendable act of community service, the 23 Gemunu Watch (GW) troops successfully conducted a blood donation program at Pallai Hospital on 23rd February 2025. The initiative was carried out under the guidance of Major General YMBM Yahampath RWP RSP ndu psc, Commander Security Forces - Jaffna, and the supervision of Major General VDS Perera, General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division. The program was organized by Colonel JAC Karunathilaka RSP USP, Commander 522 Infantry Brigade, in response to the critical shortage of blood supplies in hospitals across the Northern Province.

Major EA Edirisinghe RWP RSP psc, Commanding Officer of the 23 GW, played a pivotal role in organizing the event, ensuring the mobilization of resources and participants. A total of 30 dedicated soldiers from the 23 GW voluntarily donated blood, showcasing their commitment to supporting the local community and addressing the urgent need for blood donations.

The initiative received valuable support and guidance from the Commander of the Security Forces Headquarters Jaffna, emphasizing the strong collaboration between military personnel and healthcare providers. Beyond replenishing the hospital's blood bank, the program aimed to raise awareness about the significance of regular blood donations in saving lives.

This humanitarian effort highlights the continued dedication of the Sri Lanka Army to community welfare, demonstrating their role not only in national security but also in contributing to the well-being of the civilian population.