
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

21st February 2021 11:05:03 Hours


The handing over ceremony of newly constructed house to a differently abled soldier S/678929 L/Cpl Herath HJS of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) was held on 18th February 2021 at Maho, under the patronage of the Commander Logistics Command & Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police, Major General LPR Premalal USP. The house was constructed under the theme of “Complete Housing Project” conceptualized by the Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, upon financial sponsorship provided by the Sri Lanka Army and 1st Regiment Sri Lanka Crops of Military Police, constructions were carried out by the troops of 1st Regiment SLCMP. This endeavor reached a great success with the guidance and supervision of the Commanding Officer of the 1st Regiment SLCMP, Lt Col RMN Rathnayaka USP Lsc. Concomitantly essential household equipment, electrical fittings and furniture were also furnishing to the house with the intention of offering a comfortable livelihood to residents. Provost Marshal, Centre Commandant, Senior Officers of the Military Police, family members of the beneficiary and few residents of the area were present at the ceremony.