
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

28th August 2018 14:23:59 Hours


18th Annual General Meeting of Provost Ladies Club was held on 26th August 2018 with the participation of past presidents, ex senior members and 40 members with the close supervision of Mrs. Waruni Ubayawardena - President of the Provost Ladies Club.

A donation of Rs: 300,000.00 was given to the wife of demised soldier S/ 90996 L/Cpl Sujantha WH -3 SLCMP to complete basic sections of the partly built house with the recommendations of the Commanding Officer of the respective unit.
A donation of Rs: 50,000.00 was given to civil worker Mrs.HDLS Chathurika of RHQ SLCMP Officers’ Mess to assist for the treatments of her mother’s psychological disorder (dementia) after recommendations of board proceedings.

New Office Bearers were selected for the new term.
Vice President – Mrs.Shamali Podiralahamie
Secretary – Mrs.Dinusha Walgama
Treasurer – Mrs.Rathnamali Premalal
Public Relations Officer – Mrs.Inoka Illangakon
Vice Secretary – Mrs.Manisha Sallay
Vice Treasurer – Mrs.Thamasi Aveysinghe

A lecture on “Family Relationships” was conducted by counselor Major BGS Samanthi of PsyOps Directorate. The event was concluded with a lunch followed by an entertainment programme and a group photograph.