
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

02nd February 2018 16:02:38 Hours

SLCMP-SVU Members Take Gifts to War Heroes at ‘Ranaviru Sevana’

President Mrs. Waruni Ubayawardene and 17 members of the Provost Ladies Club of SLCMP paid a visit to Ragama Ranaviru Sewana on 27th September 2017. As per the requirement of the patients, the members donated fruits and sweets parcels for each patient and 30 clutches worth Rs:144,000/- for70 patients. The lunch was given to inmates, followed by an entertainment programme. The event was organized by SIU senior most lady Mrs.Priyanthika de Soyza, wife of the Commanding Officer of SIU, under the guidance of the Colonel Commandant - SLCMP and President, Provost Ladies Club.