
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

02nd February 2018 15:56:17 Hours

SLCMP-SVU Members Take Gifts to War Heroes at ‘Abimansala-3’

A team of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police Seva Vanitha Unit (SLCMP-SVU) members recently visited the inmates at Pangolla ‘Abimansala-3’ with the intention of looking into their well-being. Mrs Varuni Jinadaree Ubayawardhana, Chairperson SLCMP-SVU led the visiting team to this wellness resort. Those Seva Vanitha ladies took with them T-shirts, jackets and a few more gifts to all 41 inmates. In addition, 2 water-purifying machines, 50 tyres for wheelchairs and 42 tyre hubs were also delivered to the wellness resort on the same occasion. Similarly, 2 SLCMP battalion troops also made a donation of stationeries to the ‘Abimansala’ office for administrative work. The value of the items gifted was about Rs151,440/=. Those visiting Seva Vanitha ladies also sponsored a lunch treat for those inmates and a musical session before they left the location. SLCMP-SVU members and a few officers were associated with the visit.