
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

02nd February 2018 15:37:45 Hours

SLCMP-SVU Sees Patients in Cancer Hospital

The Special Investigation Unit of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) together with members of the Military Police Seva Vanitha Unit (SVU – SLCMP) including Mrs Inoka Illangakoon visited Cancer Hospital, Maharagama on Sunday (28). Under the aegis of the Chairperson SVU-SLCMP, Mrs Shirani Udawatta the team donated ten standing fans to for use of patients filling a request made by the hospital authorities. SVU members visited Children’s ward, too and distributed gift parcels including toys, sweetmeats and dry ration packs among them. Mrs Shirani Udawatta and several ASVU members visited the inmates at Cancer Hospital.