
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

23rd January 2018 14:54:56 Hours


1. S/675953 Sgt Chularathne GGSSK of Military Police Regiment was a victim of LTTE claymore mine explosion in 1996 in Parayanakulam, Mannar in the performance of military duties. Due to the explosion Sgt Chularathne sustained severe injuries to his both eyes and became totally blind. On the request of Sgt Chularathne, president of the Seva Vanitha Unit of Ministry of Defence & Urban Development Mrs. Ayoma Rajapaksa donated a newly constructed house in Gokarella on the 09th Oct 2013.\r\n\r\n2. Mrs Ayoma Rajapaksa president of the Seva Vanitha Unit of Ministry of Defence & Urban Development, Mrs. lndu Rathnayake, Vice President, Provost Marshal of the Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police Major General EKJK Wijayasiri Lsc, President of the Provost Ladies Club Mrs. Renuka Wijayasiri, Centre Commandant SLCMP Brig DKGD Sirisena USP, Military Police Senior Officers and Other Ranks and also the general public of the area including those who were benefited by having electricity and water by this project attended this ceremony.