
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

24th May 2018 12:11:36 Hours


The commemoration of fallen war heroes by Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police with simultaneous to the National Remembrance Ceremony, was held on 18 May 2018 at the monument Girithale.56 war heroes from Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police, including 7 x Offrs and 1 x WMP who did their supreme sacrifice to the motherland, were commemorated on that day.

The Colonel Commandant of the regiment and the Provost Marshal of Sri Lanka Army, Brigadier DKGD Sirisena USP graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The Centre Commandant of the Regimental Headquarters, Col ASP Podiralahamie USP and many no of senior officers, junior officers and soldiers took part in the occasion.

A troops address by the Colonel Commandant and an all rank lunch held at Corporals' Club of School of Military Police were followed the event.

The programme concluded by consecrating a "Kapruka" to Somawathiya stupa and a Bodhi Pooja with lighting 1000 oil lamps in Somawathiya temple premises, for fallen war heroes.