
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

31st December 2023 16:34:39 Hours


The Christmas signifies the birth of Jesus Chirst who brought the message of peace and harmony to whole world. Hence to share the sprit of Christmas, the Seva Vanitha Branch of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police together with 5th Regiment, Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police organized the Christmas Carols Spectacle on eve 29 December 2023 at Regimental Headquarters under the direction of the President of SVB - SLCMP, Mrs. Priyanthika De Zoysa with the intention of enhancing the religious harmony and highlighting the value of Christmas.

Christmas Carols were composed of a combination of all cultural identities representing the ethnic and the religious harmony. The Carol songs were sung by the Carol group of St.Theresa's Church - Narahenpita together with the members of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police with the music provided by the SLCMP beat band.

In coincide with the Christmas Carols event, the book donation programme was arranged for the 36 deserve school students including 29 students of grade 5 and 7 Students of grade 11 who achieved the highest results in grade 5 scholarship exam and GCE O/L exam. During the session, 15 number of students were symbolically received book packs from the president and the senior members of SVB Branch -SLCMP. In addition to that, other participated children also received Christmas gifts and sweets which were arranged by organizing committee.

To make the session more memorable, the president of SVB- SLCMP interacted with all soldiers and their families. Christian devotees who were preset at the event appreciated and commended the efforts that had been taken by the Regiment. Later on, the Santa Claus spread joy and gratitude throughout the event by giving Christmas gifts and sweets among children while emphasizing the significance of Christmas and its true meaning for the moral development of the masses. These unexpected moments added an extra layer of excitement and surprise, leaving everyone in festive spirits.

The Provost Marshal of Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police, Major General A C A de Zoysa USP Hdmc Lsc, the President of SVB - SLCMP, Mrs. Priyanthika De Zoysa together with members of Provost Ladies Club , Senior Officers , Officers , Christian devotees witnessed the colorful evening.