25th June 2019 21:26:45 Hours
Passing out parade of provost course 74 was held at School of Military Police at Giritale on 15th June 2019 at 9.00 am. Brig AQ - NCC Brig ASP Podiralahami USP graced the occasion as the chief guest with the invitation of Over Looking Commandant of School of Military Police, Maj BGSM Bogahawelapsc. 100 recruits have completed their provost course successfully. S/2088559 ptePathirana SUSC - Best Recruit S/2088495 pteNishantha PAR - Best Shooter S/679297 cplRathnayake RMNM (3 SLCMP) - Best Section Commander S/678198 Sgt Peris TRS (4 SLCMP) - Best Platoon Sergeant O/70907 2/Lt BKM Bogahapitiya (7 SLCMP) - Best Platoon Commander After this elegant passing out parade, a drill display, taekwondo display, band display, PT display and tattoo was held and many senior Officers of SLCMP, other invitees and over 1500 parents and relatives were attended for the event.