
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

23rd January 2018 14:55:02 Hours


Officers’ training day of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police which was organized by the Special Investigation Unit held at the Regimental Headquarters Polhengoda on 07 Dec 2017. Training day commenced with the morning physical training and drill session. The individual presentation by Maj HDKGG Kumarasiri on “Ethos, Core Values, Standards and Man Management in the Army” at the RHQ Officers’ Mess. Follow by a Group presentation by Maj HMCC Sooriyabandara, Capt SAMN Sampath, Capt HTDAS Bandara and Capt NMDR Nawarathna on the topic of “Under world activities and the future of Sri Lankan youth”. The day proceeding was culminated with a Dinners Club lecture conducted by the Government Analyst Mr. A Welianga at the Officers’ Mess.