
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

31st October 2022 19:22:25 Hours

The Multi Facility Complex constructed to provide welfare facilities for the benefit of Officers and Other Ranks serving at the 2nd Regiment of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police was ceremonially opened on 13 October 2022 at Giritale.

The Multi Facility Complex constructed to provide welfare facilities for the benefit of Officers and Other Ranks serving at the 2nd Regiment of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police was ceremonially opened on 13 October 2022 at Giritale.

The occasion was graced by the Commander of the Sri Lanka Army, Lieutenant General H L V M Liyanage RWP RSP ndu as the Chief Guest.

The project was supervised and guided by the Commander Forward Maintenance Area (Mullaittivu) and the Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police, Major General A L Illangakoon and the Centre Commandant of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police, Brigadier R D Sallay.

The Multi Facility Complex was facilitated by the former commanding officer of 2 SLCMP Lt Col R Withanaarachchi USP Lsc and Present Commanding Officer Major N P E N Nerangama USP Lsc. Further, This Project was accelerated by Lieutenant Commander (Rtd) D M S Jayewardene the executive officer of the Armed Forces Welfare Division through the generous sponsorship of AIA Insurance Company Limited and National Savings Bank (NSB). Commander Security Force Headquarters (East), Commander Forward Maintenance Area (East), Commander Forward Maintenance Area (North) Brigadier ACA De Zoysa USP Hdmc Lsc, Provost Marshal of Sri Lanka Army Brigadier BLR Bamunusinghe, Senior Officers and NCOs of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police graced this grand occasion.