
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

23rd January 2018 14:55:02 Hours

Medical Donation to Chest Hospital Welisara, Ragama

President Mrs. Waruni Ubayawardene and 14 members of the Provost Ladies Club of SLCMP paid a visit to National Hospital of Respiratory Diseases, Ragama to donate medicine worth Rs: 56,000/-, food items worth Rs: 12,000/- and library books worth 5000/- on 29th October 2017 as per the requirement of the staff of the hospital. Fresh fruits and fruit juice were served for the ladies club members and hospital staff. The event was organized by 4 SLCMP senior most lady Mrs. Amila Hanthanearachchi, wife of the Commanding Officer of 4 SLCMP, under the guidance of the Colonel Commandant of SLCMP.