
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

23rd January 2018 14:55:02 Hours


Inter unit Kabaddi tournament prior to the Inter Regiment Kabaddi tournament was held at 7 SLCMP parade ground premises on 3 December 2017. Maj KCPK Vithanage RSP (CO -7SLCMP) graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. For the tournament 05 male teams by the units of 2 SLCMP, 5 SLCMP, 6 SLCMP, 7 SLCMP and SIU and also 02 women teams got participated. 5 SLCMP became the runners up and 6 SLCMP won the championship. From the women\'s teams WMP B team has defeated WMP A team and became the Champions of the tournament.