
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

23rd January 2018 14:54:58 Hours


1. The Regimental centre of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police – Polhengoda (RHQ SLCMP) on Thursday 29 August 2013 accorded a red carpet welcome to the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General RMD Ratnayake WWV RWP RSP USP ndu psc who made his first formal visit to the Regimental headquarters upon assumption of office as the Commander of the Army. In accordance with military formalities, a guard turnout and a guard of honour was accorded to the Commander of the Army. 2. After a warm welcome speech delivered by Major General E K J K Wijayasiri Lsc, the Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police, the Commander of the Army addressed the troops comprised of 120 officers and 1100 other ranks. The Commander of the Army emphasized the importance of maintaining discipline in the Sri Lanka Army and reminded that it is the prime responsibility of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police to maintain discipline among all members of the Sri Lanka Corps Military Police. Later, the Commander of the Army joined all ranks for tea. 3. In order to make the arrival of the Commander of the Army to SLCMP Regimental Centre memorable after 13 years, he was invited to plant a tree sapling at the camp premises. While addressing Officers of SLCMP at the Officers’ Mess, the Commander of the Army again highlighted the need to maintain high standards of discipline as provost officers. 4. In the evening at the invitation of Major General EKJK Wijayasiri , the Colonel Commandant of the SLCMP , Lieutenant General RMD Ratnayake WWV RWP RSP USP ndu psc the Commander of the Army and Mrs. Damayanthi Ratnayake, President Seva Vanitha Army Branch and Mrs Renuka Wijayasiri President Seva Vanitha Branch - SLCMP joined the SLCMP dinner night with Officers and their Spouses at the Officers’ Mess Regimental Centre SLCMP. Those Involving in Undisciplined Acts will be Expelled from the Army Commander “You must be the most disciplined person in the whole of the country and should never commit any undisciplined act since everything in the Army depends on strict discipline. Those engaged in most serious disciplinary violations will be expelled from the Army, and all attempts should be made to lead others in the correct path, if not ensure that they are transferred out to serve another Regiment because no soldier with indiscipline is supposed to be in the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police. First of all you must be well-disciplined and a soldier with such great level of discipline receives recognition in society and the SLCMP in that direction contributes very much to the Army and the country in general. Secretary Defence and Urban Development is planning a scheme to avoid complexity in soldiering by introducing novel approaches in the future” Extracted from - Army commander’s speech on 29th August 2013 at RHQ SLCMP.