
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

20th July 2023 08:52:59 Hours


According to the concept of the Provost Marshal of Sri Lanka Army and Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police Major General ACA De Zoysa USP Hdmc Lsc, School of Military Police has conducted Adjutants Workshop from 10th July 2023 to 14th July 2023 for the Officers who are currently performing their duties as Adjutants and who are pursue that appointment in near future.

The Workshop was consisted with Service Writing, Unit Admin, Admin & Logistics Procedure, Regimental Account, Leadership, Introduction of Army Form & Books, Security Survey, Audits Procedures. Adept Lecturers are delivered the lecturers including practical activities.

The Certificate awarding ceremony was held with the presence of Comdt of School of Military Police Col RMKAS Rajanayake.