
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

02nd February 2018 09:15:01 Hours


Based on the conceptual framework and directions given by Brig DKGD Sirisena USP Provost Marshal/Colonel Commandant - SLCMP, the Accounting and Auditing Refresher Course Stage III, organized by Directorate of Provost Marshal got underway from 26th September 2017.

Intending to impart knowledge on accounting practices, the course held at the Regimental Headquarters - Sri Lanka Corps of Military police was attended by 08 officers and 50 Non Commissioned Officers of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military police.

The course largely focused on procurement procedures, observation and mitigation systems in government financial administration, government taxation system, Army standing orders, related to accounts and on invention of an appropriate mechanism to finance-related queries.

The course continued with theoretical and practical aspects, applications, classroom spot tests, presentations and various standard evaluation methods in accordance with the Audit Section in the Directorate of Provost Marshal and selected resource personal from Army establishments.

The 30-working day long course concluded on 09th November 2017. Certificates were awarded to the attendees who had successfully completed the Accounting and Auditing Refresher Course, along with Investigation guideline Books.