
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

23rd January 2018 14:54:56 Hours


1. The 04th Regiment of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police has been shifted from KKS to Mailadi. Newly constructed officers\' mess, WOs\'/Sgts\' mess, Co\'s chalet, Women\'s Corps accommodation facilities of the 4 SLCMP were also declared open by SF Commander (J) Maj Gen M Hathurusinghe RSP ndc IG on the invitation of the commanding officer 4 SLCMP at 02nd of December 2013.\r\n\r\n2. Maj Gen EKJK Wijayasiri Lsc , Col Comdt of the Corps of Military Police, the Centre Commandant of RHQ SLCMP Brig DKGD Sirisena USP and many senior officers attended to this occasion. Thereafter SF commander (J) and Col Comdt planted trees in commemoration of the event. Then the troops were addressed by Col Comdt. After the troops address there was an all rank tea held at 4 SLCMP Mailadi. In the evening there was an officers\' get together at 4 SLCMP holiday bungalow.