
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

23rd March 2021 10:19:45 Hours


Commemoration ceremony of Fallen War Heroes parallel to the 31st Regimental Corps Day of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) was held at 2 Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police Girithale on 19 March 2021. The event was organized by the 2 SLCMP under the patronage of Commander Logistic Command and Colonel Commandant Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police Major General Ranjan Premalal USP. NOKs of fallen war heroes were invited by the regimental Centre in which several NOKs with their families participated to the event. The ceremony commenced in front of the War Heroes’ Monument at 2 Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police premises from 1600 hrs with the multi religious blessings. Floral tributes were paid for the fallen war heroes for their supreme sacrifices for the motherland. Remembrance ceremony concluded with the bugle tributes for the fallen war heroes in the sunset. Together with Colonel Commandant, Provost Marshal Brigadier Anil Illangakoon, Centre Commandant Colonel Lakshman Bamunusinghe, Senior Officers, Officers, Regimental Sergeant Majors, few Senior Non – Commissioned Officers & Non – Commissioned Officers also participated to the event