
Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

Lead By Example

4th Regt SLCMP


Major Siriwardhana psc Lsc

The Sri Lanka corps of Military Police Unit which functioned as a regular unit of the Sri Lanka Army was set up as 03 x Military Police regular units functioning under the regimental centre with expansion of the Sri Lanka Army. The 2nd Sri Lanka Military Police was established under the command of a Deputy Provost marshal in 21Div at ANURADAPURA. The under mentioned offrs and ORs were the initial staff of the unit who performed provost duties covering the areas of ANURADHAPURA, VAVUNIYA, MANNAR and WELIOYA, MULATIVU, ELEPHANT PASS, KAITS and PUNARIN.

Lt Col WSW Senanayake USP
(19.04.1995 TO 08.12.1997)

Lt Col PJA Weerasingha Lsc
(08.12.1997 TO 05.11.1998)

Maj ASP Podiralahamie (over look)
(05.11.1998 TO 05.01.1999)

Maj CS Atipola Lsc
(05.01.1999 TO 21.08.1999)

Maj HS De Zoysa
(21.08.1999 TO 13.08.2000)

All the former Commanding Officers rendered their maximum support to other officers/ORs to improve the DPM/ OC Tps as well as success of its works. The name purpose of DPM/ OC Tps was to provide tactical police support to the tps deployed under SFHQ(J) TAOR. From the very beginning era stepping stone of DPM/ OC Tps was laid in a strong manner. It was being reflected to maintain the discipline of army personnel according to the law and order.

after in 13th Aug 2000 the DPM / OC Tps was elevated as 4 SLCMP (RFT) Maj HS De Zoysa blessed as a first Commanding Officer of 4 SLCMP (RFT) Under 4 SLCMP (RFT) There were 07 senior officers blessed to command the unit as commanding officers, they are as follows:

Maj HS De Zoysa
(1999.08.21 TO 2002.02.21)

Maj DKGD Sirisena
(2002.02.21 TO 2004.09.04)

Maj IOW Madola
(2004.09.04 TO 2005.09.01)

Lt Col ASP Podiralahamy
(2005.09.01 TO 2006.09.04)

Lt Col LPR Premalal
(2006.09.04 TO 2008.02.27)

Lt Col H Walgama
(2008.02.28 TO 2008.06.30)

Lt Col GAS Gajadeera Lsc
(2008.06.30 TO 2009.11.26)

Lt Col AL Illangakoon
(2009.11.26 TO 2010.04.02)

Lt Col JHJ Nishantha
(2010.04.04 TO 2010.07.28)

Lt Col R D Sallay
(2010.07.23 TO 2014.07.22)

Lt Col AMA Deshapriya
(2014.07.23 TO 2016.12.14)

Lt Col IR Hanthanearachchi
(2016.12.15 TO 2018.08.03)

Lt Col KAKS Prasanna
(2018.08.04 TO 2020.07.31)

Col RRP Perera
(2020.08.01 TO 2022.07.07)

Major K N Indrajith USP Lsc
(2022.07.08 TO 2023.06.30)

Major H LS K Jayatissa Lsc
(2023.06.30 - 2023.11.26)

After reaching to complete 14 years of age the 4 SLCMP (RFT) reached to be blessed as a permanent in the SFHQ(J) TAORS as 4 SLCMP on 13th Aug 2009 Lt Col GAS Gajadeera Lsc took the opportunity to be blessed with first Commanding Officer of 4 SLCMP. The early Commanding Officers of 4SLCMP as follows:

  • Lt Col GAS Gajadeera Lsc

  • Lt Col AL Illangakoon

  • Lt Col JHJ Nishantha

  • Lt Col R D Sallay

Presently 4 SLCMP has reached to complete 15 years of age as a golden unit among the provost. From beginning era to present period of 4 SLCMP rendered maximum effort efficiently to minimise the cases reported within the SFHQ(J) TAOR as well as the every ceremonial duties pertaining to the Military functions. During the early stage of war period as well as that ended 4th Elam were the period 4SLCMP sacrificed a lot for the nation as a remarkable stand. According to the expansion of the military troops of the Jafna peninsula the 4 SLCMP could able to adjust with the requirement.

All these success and the improvements reached due to an obeying and following the role of the 4 SLCMP, such as providing garrison police with the instructions by Dte of Provost Marshal, and with the admin backing provided by the RHQ SLCMP. Provost continued to uphold the military law and maintained military discipline during war and peace. The primary role in the war was to provide tactical police support to the army in all phases of operations. During the early periods the humanitarian operation 4 SLCMP carried out valuable tasks to up lift the motto of SLCMP. For easy purpose of expending military police powers the HQ 4 SLCMP has planted MP coys and secs in every higher institutions by covering all areas of SFHQ(J) TAOR.