23rd January 2018 14:53:03 Hours
23rd January 2018 14:53:03 Hours
The 13th Colonel Commandant of SLAWC took over duties on 21 October 2015 at the auspicious time, in addition to his present responsibilities as the Quarter Master General at Army Head Quarters. Colonel Commandant was received by the Centre Commandant on arrival. The new Colonel Commandant of the Regiment took over his duties with the blessings of the venerable maha sanga. Colonel Commandant addressed all staff officers and spelled out his ambition to work towards the Development of the women Corps.
23rd January 2018 14:53:03 Hours
The 18th anniversary of Sri Lanka Army Womens Corps has been celebrated on 17 November 2015 at its born place of Kynsey Road Borella with pomp and pageantry. The function was comprised of Bodhi Puja, Guard Turnout and a pride full of parade for the Colonel Commandant.The Commanding Officer of 1st Battalion of Sri Lanka Army Womens Corps Maj CKE Rajaguru was the parade commander. A tea party held for all ranks.
23rd January 2018 14:53:03 Hours
23rd January 2018 14:53:03 Hours
23rd January 2018 14:53:03 Hours