

      VISION :: ::

To become a premier UN peace support operations training institute in the region for Armed Forces and Police personnel whilst enriching UN core values with the spirit of goodwill and ambassadorship for UN deployment in worldwide To become a premier UN peace support operations training institute in the region for Armed Forces and Police personnel whilst enriching UN core values with the spirit of goodwill and ambassadorship for UN deployment in worldwide.

  MISSION :: ::

To impart the knowledge and conduct training and development of the skills to national and multinational military and police personnel on UN peace support operations in accordance with UN standards to represent the Peacekeepers in UN missions.

The Objectives of the Institute of Peace Support Operations Training Sri Lanka are as follows:
Provide mission oriented pre deployment training at tactical level (Battalion and company).
To provide strategic and operational level decision making to enhance planning and management of multi-dimensional peace operations.
To enhance the professional capacity of Officers of Armed Forces and Police to serve as peacekeepers.
To train Officers and Other Ranks of Armed Forces to work in multicultural environment by developing their language skills.
To enhancing knowledge on art of applying UN peacekeeping principles and practices.
To enhancing knowledge and skills required to communicate effectively both orally and written in peacekeeping operation.
To strengthen the capacity of peacekeepers to protect civilians and maintain gender equality to targeted training initiatives.
To develop competent and skilful armed forces and police personnel to represent the United Nations as ambassadors.
To facilitate national and multinationals Military and Police personnel to follow Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI) sponsored courses by sharing experience with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in order to deploy as Military Observers, Military Logistic Officers and Staff Officers.
To create avenues to enhance academic knowledge of the student officers of Armed forces and police on adopting the latest E learning platform (POTI).
To develop the infrastructure and training materials of the institution in par with modern technologies.
To train Sri Lankan military personnel to participate in GPOI sponsored multinational Field Training Exercises.
To evaluate and monitor the impact of training initiative on peacekeeping performance incorporate feedback mechanism to continuously improve training.

Copyright © 2011 Sri Lanka Army